Political divison map
Government and politics
Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States. This means that Puerto Rico belongs to the United States, but it is not part of them. Territories and their citizens are only entitled to full protection of the Constitution when the United States Congress has incorporated them as an "integral part" of the nation.The relationship of the government of Puerto Rico with the federal government of the United States is for many comparable to the relationship of the US federal government with its states. Everything related to currency, defense, foreign relations and most of the trade between states falls under the jurisdiction of the federal government. The government of Puerto Rico has fiscal autonomy and the right to collect local taxes. Puerto Ricans are citizens of the United States with all the rights and duties conferred by that citizenship, but since presidential elections are only held in incorporated states and territories, Puerto Rican residents do not participate in them, unless they have legal residence in Puerto Rico. a state or territory incorporated.
The Resident Commissioner is the only representative of the local government in the United States Congress. The Resident Commissioner has the right to speak but not to vote in the United States Congress, except when the same Congress grants a vote in the "joint committee". When this happens, the Resident Commissioner can vote, but only when his vote is not decisive in the matter.
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